

First of all, Happy Birthday. Some dork has been pushing me to do this for the longest time. (I kept forgetting) Anyways, you are a dummy, today you told me you knew what your mom and him were planning. You said, “It’s a surprise party.” I didn’t say anything, just looked at you. For some strange reason you took that as confirmation towards your theory? Anyways I thought that was funny. You’re probably reading this when I’m away so I want you to imagine my flowing caramel locks caressing your skin and my coconut scented body wrapping myself around you in what appears to be a very suffocating and uncomfortable hug. Imagine it. I also caress your cheek lovingly and whisper in your ear “we can go to the strip clubs now.” Good job. Now that you are thoroughly uncomfortable, I want you to sit yo ass down and read my beautiful piece dedicated to you (and your booty).

*Ahem* SIDNEY. *ahEm* Sid. *AHeM* Sidney. You are one of my best friends. You know this. But you are more than a best friend to me, you’re like family.  We have so many incredible memories together, things that I will cherish forever. Watching the stars in the bed of your truck together, baby-sitting that asshole puppy for two days, you helping me make a video about archery, baking croissants as fast as we could because there was no time to be baking yet we thought it was a good idea, buying matching pants just because they were on sale and literally hundreds more. But my favorite thing about all those memories is that I got to share them with you. You and I have so much fun together, and I just love to be with you. Thank you for being so special.  Happy eighteenth birthday my love.  You deserve the best one you can have. When I get back we can go to Vicky’s and buy ….everything? My treat. (When I say everything, I mean it and if you think you can stop me...I’d like to see you try.)  I love you much baby!! I miss you (probably. I’m writing this before I’m gone so I might not be? I probably am.) Have fun today. <3 <3



It's crazy how in so little time we became so close. You're crazy but I can always count on you for anything. We have such a similar sense of humor and we always have a blast together. I'm so Birthday!! You're an incredible girl and I know you'll make an proud to be able to call you my best friend and to see you in such an important event in your life. I love you so much, baby. Happy 18th incredible adult!

Lots of love,


First of all, happy birthday! I'm so incredibly glad you've come into my life. I'm also so glad that Sebastian has found someone who can control his crazy side and his hair ;) I love you and I hope you enjoy all that is coming. Thank you for the constant laughs during lunch. I wouldn't change our 50 minutes of judging others for anything. Love you, sidney! Happy birthday!!

~ Alysia

Happy Birthday Sidney! I can't believe you're finally 18.. I've known you since 4th grade and I'm so happy that our paths crossed, giving me the opportunity to work with you at camp, and philosophize with you in class. I wish you the best of birthday wishes xoxo!


 Sidney, I have known you for more than 7 years of my life and I have watched you grow and change a lot. I've seen you blossom into a beautiful woman who cares for her friends more than anything. One who stands up for herself and those who cannot. In a way you're like a superhero and without a doubt you kick ass like no one else.
I hope I can be around long enough to watch you do great things since you're certainly destined for them you talented hunting-cosplaying-buttkicking-machine! HAPPY BIRTHDAY. 

Love, Jesus


Dear Sidney,
You're one of the most beautiful people I've met (inside and out). If anyone tells you differently, let me know so that I can kill them for you! I'm happy that you've found someone that will in turn make you happy. There's nothing you deserve more than happiness. You probably think this is stupid and cheesy but I mean every word I say!
I will always love you to pieces!



Dear Sid, 

         We have been through so much together. Thick and thin. The four of us together make an amazing team. I love our random starbucks dates, or after school lunches. I can't wait for you to come visit up in Orlando and I can't wait for more amazing memories with you. I can't wait for future cosplays. I can't wait for future sleepovers.. And there are so many things I could list.. But I honestly cannot wait for just the future with you. ((and our mother,Vivian, of course) happy birthday Tia Sidney!!! I love you ((:


